It Takes a Village!!  Support RGA!!
Melissa Banigan 0

It Takes a Village!! Support RGA!!

549 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Melissa Banigan 0 Comments
549 people have signed. Add your voice!
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I am writing you because I am a charter school advocate and believe in high quality education and school choice. The news of the Department of Education's ("DOE") decision to recommend the non-renewal for Ross Global Academy Charter School is rippling through the New York community. Expect these ripples to gather strength and become waves, as you should know that the entire RGA community will fight the 'good fight' against the DOE decision. As a parent, partner, teacher, student or other member of the community, I believe in CHOICE, and therefore, I wholeheartedly ask that the DOE reexamine what I feel was an unfair and unprecedented decision. I am either a parent/teacher/concerned partner of a Ross Global Academy Charter School student. I understand that our children leave their homes each morning with the understanding that out of all the schools in New York City, they attend RGA because we believe it is the best school for providing an education based on our high standards and our global vision of education. I expect our children to excel, and I take comfort knowing that RGA classroom teachers are able to not only understand what the difference is between a 3 and a 4 on a state test, but that they strive to teach our children as whole persons with needs that are entirely individualized. I live in one of the five New York boroughs, and choose to commute as long as two hours away so that our children can learn to walk the lines of my own values: excellence and respect, understanding and courage. Our children learn Math, English, Cultural History, Science, Visual Arts, Music, Theater, Chinese and Wellness. I chose RGA. I continue to choose RGA. I believe in this choice. I am proud to be more than a parent/teacher/partner/student; I am a member of the Ross Global Academy Charter School Community and I strongly believe in what we are doing to educate our children. RGA's Public Hearing of November 22nd was overwhelmingly positive, with support from our parents/teachers/students. In addition, of the over 96% of parents who returned the autumn RGA Parent Survey, 96% felt welcomed in our school and 82% are satisfied with the school overall. Again- we chose- and continue to choose- to have our children attend Ross Global Academy. I, for one, will NOT allow the DOE to take away my choice, especially when the decision appears to be political rather than fair and for the benefit of our kids. The DOE is looking at one year in the four and a half history of our school, and is not counting the years in which we excelled nor the great achievements we have made already this school year. I hope that this petition can stand as one of many reminders. Please expect that you will be hearing from me again.

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