Root Motorola Defy Mini
signers. Add your name now!

signers. Almost there! Add your voice!

100 Signatures Special
I have created a forum dedicated to the Defy Mini, as soon as a rooting method is out for it I will post it on the forums, until then let's try and build a small community for ourselves, the defy mini owners, experminent, ask, answer and talk on the forums, see you there.
As promised here comes the 50 Signatures Special, it's all about customization and personalization of your android device, make it look like if you would have Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or 4.1 (Jelly Bean) if your device isn't compatible or updateable to these version you can still have a nice looking android device.
Here are some launchers, themes, lockers, widgets, wallpapers and keyboardsthat will help you achieve your goal.
Holo Launcher, very small, lite and simple yet one of the best ICS Launchers out there.
Jelly Bean Launcher,I have never used this one but it looks very promising.
If you are using Go Launcher or Apex Launcher you can use these themes.
Jelly Bean Apex Theme
Jelly Bean Go Launcher Theme
Jelly Bean Theme Go Launcher
If you have Go Launcher you probably have Go Locker too.
Jelly Bean Go Locker Theme
Jelly Bean Search Widget
Jelly Bean Wallpaper Gallery
Jelly Bean Live Wallpaper
Ice Cream Sandwich Keyboard
IceCream Sandwich-ICS Keyboard
ICS Keyboard
Hopefully you like this special and these customization apps please your desires.
Great News, we have reached 10 signatures, no, 11, well our goal is to reach at least 100 or even more. Tell anyone you know about this petition to come by and sign it, there still is hope to root the Defy Mini, here is some proof, Sagett from El Salvador managed to root his Defy Miniin a very creative way. He used SuperOneClick to root the Defy (NOT DEFY MINI) and when the software waited at the last step to inject the SuperUser into the phone he swapped the Defy with the Defy Mini, here is a video as proof that he has SuperUser acces to his Defy Mini.
He also posted on a forum a tutorial, it is in his language but i managed to translate it for you in English.
Original: http://www.grupoandroid.com/topic/47760-defy-mini-xt320-con-root-rooteado/
English: http://translate.google.de/translate?hl=de&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.grupoandroid.com%2Ftopic%2F47760-defy-mini-xt320-con-root-rooteado%2F
HINT: We will have another special at 50 signatures and 100 signatures. The next one will be about customization and personalization.