Ronald Jordan's Plea for Justice - Free Ronald Jordan

Orange County California is a place of no justice for a Black man. Ronald Jordan is presently detained and has been unlawfully so for the past thirty one (31) months in Orange County California’s Theo Lacy Facility with a bail set in the sum of one million dollars ($1,000,000) for the Penal Code Violation of Robbery.
We question the motives behind the many charges against Ronald and the Excessive Bail the O.C. Judicial system have illegally attached him so that he is unable to seek his freedom nor a fair trial.
Ronald's bail is in excess of $1 million dollars, way over scale with no justification for bail being set so high. Even after Hearing after Hearing the judge has refused to lower Bail and has no legal explanation as to why the bail has not been lowered to scale. Please sign this petition that Ronald's bail will be lowered so that he can have a chance at life to continue to seek his freedom, prove his innocence and raise his children.
Please, give a donation to his cause. No matter how great or small, your help is needed, encouraged and appreciated.
Website asking for help in this matter
Ministry soliciting help for Mr. Jordan.