Mitt Romney / Bobby Jindal in 2012

We the undersigned respectfully call upon Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts to run for President of the United States in 2012. We believe his experience in turning around institutions towards success is an assett that is very much needed in this country during dire times. Mr. Romney has spent the last 35 years of his life turning around businesses, the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from ruin. As President we believe that Mr. Romney would fundamentally change the U.S. government to empower her nations citizens and unleash the innovative spirit of the American people. We truly believe that he is capable of implementing pragmatic solutions to our nations problems regardless of political ideology. If our efforts come to fruition and Governor Romney is nominated by the Republican Party for President in 2012; we respectfully request that Governor Piyush "Bobby" Jindal be placed in consideration as a possible running mate. Governor Jindal has been a brilliant executive for the State of Louisiana. We feel a strong executive in Jindal's mold would be crucial in fixing a broken federal government. It is imperative that we leave behind to our descendents a Free and Strong America. We believe a President Romney and a Vice President Jindal would provide us that opportunity.