Call me sweetheart, Ray!
Meg Gilley 0

Call me sweetheart, Ray!

57 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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I like stand-up. I like Ray Romano. Sure, sure, I know, I\'m nuts, but hey, it\'s now a running joke about my love for Mr. Romano. I\'ve named a stuffed animal after him, I\'ve had a time when the tabloids at Wal*Mart (my workplace) said that he \"loved strippers\", and I\'ve bought my copy of TV Guide with him on the cover. I have the book. I have the comedy album. Now, all I need, is an autograph. In fact, an autographed picture. An autographed picture that says \"Meg, Lemmie call you sweetheart! [insert Ray\'s signature here.].\" Why do I need this, you ask It was some commerical, where two people are having dinner. The guy says \"Lemmie call you sweetheart! I\'m in love with you!\". After the commercial went off, I looked over to my Dad, and said \"Ray Romano...Lemmie call you sweetheart...I\'m in love with you!\". No, I\'m not in love with Ray. He\'s handsome, yes. He\'s funny, yes. But John (the boyfriend) wouldn\'t like it if I were in love with Ray. I don\'t think Ray\'s wife would, either. ...but the sweetheart thing is funny. So, sign, my friends. Sign, my foes. Give me the chance to get a nice little picture with funny words on it to hang proudly in my living space, and to show my children just how stupid their mother was, back in the day.


The petition is soley mine. Me, me, me, me. It\'s for my own benift. Not yours. My site
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