ROLDA Romania 0

Stop Slaughters and Animal Abuses in Romania!

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STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY AND ABUSES IN ROMANIA! May 26th.2004:Romanian authorities voted an animal protection law reffering only about wild animals and animals with owners...authorities said that there will be ANOTHER LAW for strays exclusively... This discrimination cannot have any logical reason but the idea of mass-extermination of homeless animals,that Romanian authorities are applying more or less under cover since 1998. Currently, there is a law regarding strays\'administration, that has as consequences the \"conviction\" of dogs without owners to a sure, unfair death! Local authorities are administrating few local shelters all over Romania, in which dog catchers(uneducated peoples,without any compassion) are working to kill innocent dogs with a cruelty that is hard to be described. They did it before, and nothing will stop them from applying barbarian and \"free\" euthanasia methods: killing with sticks and rocks, torturing animals, injecting poison into animals\' hearts, hanging dogs,shooting dogs... Dogs from the City Hall pounds are living in tragic conditions, without food and medical assistance assured. Those dogs are sentenced to live in prison all their lives, in overpopulated local shelters - if they are \"lucky\" enough not to be killed !!! Why can anyone prevent or stop those atrocities to happen!Lack of a well-edited law for animals\' protection (with big penalties for those who broke the law and for those who abuse an animal in any way), no animal\'lover from Romania can protect from a legal standpoint any abused animal, even if the justice is almost every time on our furry friends\' side! All slaughters that are taking place in Romania broke many national and international laws (The Universal Declaration of Animal Rights, The International Animal Protection Regulations, The Humans Rights,...), and without constant international pressure, nothing will be changed here for animals! ***************************************************** PLEASE, ALSO SEND PROTEST LETTERS TO ROMANIAN AUTHORITIES TO MODIFIE IMMEDIATELY THE LAW FOR ANIMALS\' PROTECTION IN ROMANIA AT EU STANDARDS! Sample of protest letter: \"Dear Sir, I was recently been made aware of horrendous massacres of street dogs that continues to take place throughout Romania in an attempt to


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