Rocky Mountain Motor Sports!
Skyler Keizer 0

Rocky Mountain Motor Sports!

56 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Skyler Keizer 0 Comments
56 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Too all that read this!

For many years Calgary hasn't had a Motor Sports facility to use! And it will continue to lack unless we do something!! Hundreds of people are fighting against it but we do nothing to fight for it!

The guys down at Rocky View Motorsports are working hard and trying everything to get the track built! So it's time to support them.

Unfortunately A petition does not have formal standing in the hearing. What this means is that the list of names would be treated as indicative of the level of support for the facility.

What we really want to target is getting letters from residents of the County and the towns of Carstairs, Didsbury, Olds, which are all within Mountain View County. So we also ask those who live in Mountain View County to go to our website and submit a letter, or if you know people who live in MVC to encourage them to do so.

The petition still has value because it does show a level of support from folks who would be users of the facility, but I wanted to let you know that it is not as good as getting specific letters (which are admissible) and especially those from County residents.

So I'm asking everyone to take the few moments to sign and or to send a letter to show that we do care and that it is important! If no one does anything then our voices will never be heard! So do the right thing and help join the fight to enjoy this hobby and passion that we all share!!

RMM is grateful for the support it is receiving from the community and looks forward to being able to provide a recreational and training motorsports park. With your help, we hope to make this a reality!

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