Rockstar to fix Snapmatic in GTA V
Michael Ward 0

Rockstar to fix Snapmatic in GTA V

183 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Michael Ward 0 Comments
183 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Snapmatic is a feature in GTA V where you can take pictures and upload them onto social club via the in game phone. A large number of people are unable to use the Snapmatic feature in Gta V, both story mode and online. This problem has started for many people from the launch of GTA Online, which was October the 1st. It has been 5 months since this problem started, and Rockstar have not fixed this. There are many requests made by people and rockstar have only replied with that they are "aware of the issue". Waiting 5 months is absolutely pathetic, and we should not have to wait this long.

It seems Rockstar does not care, they have added extra snapmatic features that we cannot use, as well as having snapmatic contests.

if we try to upload a photo, a message appears saying "alert online service has been disabled on your account". But after the business update 1.11, the message now says "snapmatic features are disabled on this account due to eligibility restrictions".

If you cannot use snapmatic, then please sign this petition.


Saturday 17th may 2014

it has now been over 8 months since this error has happened. The high life update 1.13 did not fix this error and there have been many more requests to rockstar and they have given the same response "we are aware of the issue".

Also, with the high life update rockstar have brought out another snapmatic contest knowing there are people who can't use it.

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