Rockey Rebrand
Hello friends, family and strangers. Have you ever had a friend who at one time made a decision that was just not quite right? Well I have. I have recently discovered that my anonymous friend goes by the only name of Rockey which yes may have been cool in elementary school when the name was created but it's time to join the 21st century. This is a formal petition to get Rockey to change his name to the much more fresh and clean name of..... (Dramatic pause)..... Sockey! This name is not only cooler and new but is also much more fitting. We all know Rockey loves socks by the collection he keeps by his bed side and I bet he's even wearing them as you read this! This name will also allow for much better profile pictures. No more lame trash pandas prepare for a fresh pair of socks! No matter how you look at it this change is for the best and I need your help to make this vision come to life. Only you and make Sockey happen.