The Recalling of The Rockdale Co. Chairman/CEO
The Rockdale County Chairman/CEO Richard Oden, does not have the leadership it takes to run this county. Mr. Oden, to this day, is putting every citizen in Rockdale in danger by putting politics into the county's 911 operations. Also, he is guilty of wasteful spending by handing out jobs to his friends to the tune of about $70,000. This is not what Rockdale County needs. He has not demonstrated a willingness to listen to the "voice of the citizens" of Rockdale County. One has only to look at the Rockdale Citizen newspaper poll as evidence the majority of comments clearly demonstrates Oden's ignorance of what the citizens want. He is only interested in "his agenda" and establishing "his empire". It is clear to me he wishes to impose his agenda on the citizens. I also feel he does not represent all races but rather, the Black minority, as evidenced by his appointees. I encourage everyone, who wishes to see this county back to where it was, to sign this petition. I also encourage anyone who wants to add to this petition, please feel free to email me at or Michelle; THERE WILL BE A CITIZENS MEETING!! MARCH 20TH, 6:30PM JOHNSON PARK!