Rockamohawk4zack water safty petition
Amber Mcbride 0

Rockamohawk4zack water safty petition

692 signers. Add your name now!
Amber Mcbride 0 Comments
692 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We are not asking for much. A breakwall or fench or maybe 6 lifegaurds. So this never happens again. Every summer in Wasaga beach young and old are lossing their lives and we can help prevent this from happening. Parents are loosing their childen and it can be prevented and i hope with your help and this petition we can make wasage beach see that water safty is so important. Lets let Zackery Haskets name be forever remembered and sign the Rockamohawk4zack water safty petition


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