Robby Fish is Innocent

This message goes out to all Saint Clairsville students. Over two years ago when I wasn't even in high school I made a Mike McKeever facebook account. I spelled his last name wrong even. Also I didn't put a picture of him on there or say he worked at Saint Clairsville high school. Recently I was questioned by numerous people of authority in our school district and I admitted to making the Mike McKeever facebook account. I have also been herassed by them about the officer Gazdik facebook page for over 6 months. For all they know I could have been pretending to be another Mike McKeever. There is nothing on the page that suggests that it was intact the Mike McKeever that is employed in our school district. What they did was assume, and we all know what happens when you assume. You make a ASS out of U and ME. If you think this is wrong please sign this petition.