Resurface the Roath Basketball Court

Last summer Community Restart Wales's lobbying efforts led to the Cardiff City Council Parks Department regeneration of a dilapidated and un-used tennis court into one of the most successful and widely utilised basketball courts in Cardiff. The location and size had led basketball players to travel across the city to participate in pick up games at this unique hot spot. We are very happy with the fact these courts have been built and very much appreciate Cardiff City Council Parks Department's efforts to bring this widely enjoyed sport to Roath Park and for helping to introduce this sport to the masses. While new hoops have been provided at Roath Park in July 2008, the surface has not yet been resurfaced. The current surface is uneven, slippery, and unfortunately poses health and safety risks to those who are playing. Reports have come into Community Restart Wales of players choosing to return to other courts in the city or simply giving up on coming to Roath Park courts due to the inadequate surface. We have put this online petition together to gather our many voices in asking Cardiff City Council to please finish the job they started when they installed the hoops last summer. As the weather begins to improve we are asking for the Roath Park basketball courts to be resurfaced and repainted in time for the outdoor basketball season. We will be organising a volunteer run and led 'Youth Basketball' training facility at Roath Park to raise the profile of the sport and to provide an outlet and activities for young people in South Wales. We are looking to develop Roath Park as the premier location in Cardiff and South Wales for outdoor basketball matches and training, but cannot do so until the courts are safe and adequate. Community Restart Wales will now be refocusing our attention to addressing this issue and are looking for your support. Please sign this petition and ask for others to join us in requesting the completion of Cardiff's initiative to bring basketball to Roath Park. Please also join our Facebook Group: Roath Park Basketball - Cardiff Sports