Revoke the Dubuque Iowa Cell Phone Driving Ban

On February 15th the Dubuque Iowa City Council voted to BAN talking or texting on cell phones while driving.
I believe the real cause of accidents is not texting or even using a wireless phone; it is driver negligence.
If we ban cell phone usuage me might as well ban everything else that might possibly be a distraction to driving.
Short list of possible distractions to drivers:
• Reaching for a moving object inside the vehicle.
• Looking at an object or event outside of the vehicle.
• Reading a book or newspaper.
• Applying makeup.
• Doing or fixing hair.
• Eating.
• Taking a drink (assume non-alcoholic).
• Talking to passengers.
• Dealing with your kids in the back seat (lost toy, fighting, spill, potty accident, sick, etc.)
• Changing a CD, tape, radio station, song, or volume.
• Just listening to music, even if you don't change or adjust anything about it.
• Sexual activity (let's not be naïve, it happens).
• Not going right away at a green light
• Emotions and state of mind.
• Cough syrup.
• Lack of sleep.
• Body aches and injuries.
• Drunkenness.
This ban on using cell phones is a buntch of malarkey that dosent address the real problem which is driver negilance.
Please sign this petition and stop your city government from taking away your freedoms. Tell your city government you believe this is a foolhardy approach to establishing roadway safety.