Dave Cummo 0

Rivermoore Park Tennis - Remove Bushes Next to Countertop Viewing Area

20 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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20 people have signed. Add your voice!
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I'm am trying to get support for removing the bushes which block access to the newly-installed countertops next to the tennis courts. I have anecdotally polled people and it seems that there's broad support for this idea. If I get enough signatures, I plan to attend the next HOA meeting and present the idea and the results of this petition.

If you are unaware, the new countertops provide a nice way for teams to lay out food and drinks for matches. The only way to access the countertops is from the side closest to the courts. Unfortunately, that side is extremely tight because of the placement of the bleachers.

If the bushes were removed, there would be 4 major benefits:

1. People would be able to more easily access food and drinks during matches without having to squeeze in on the tennis court side. The flow would be much improved and there would be far fewer "I'm sorry, excuse me, I'm trying to get a cookie" conversations.

2. It would provide more convenient viewing for matches since that area would be an ideal place to stand, have a drink, and watch.

3. The bushes are home for many insects which get in the food/drinks and have resulted in some children getting stung/bit. Removing them would minimize this a bit.

4. Tennis balls often get hit into the bushes, and since they are holly bushes, it's quite uncomfortable trying to retrieve them.

Please send this to anybody you know who cares about this admittedly not-very-important-but-would-be-really-nice-to-have issue.

Dave Cummo

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