Rev. Madeline Coburn Missouri 0


Rev. Madeline Coburn Missouri 0 Comments
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Taxpayer citizens in the "Show Me" state strongly urge Jennifer Joyce, the Circuit Attorney for the City of St. Louis, prior to her retirement reframe from seeking a new conviction against (R)eginald (B)yron (C)lemons for the "botched" rapes and murders of Julie and Robin Kerry in 1991. The corruption in Clemons death sentence were orchestrated by former prosecutor Nels Moss and his retired co-conspirators within the City of STLPD.

Taxpayer citizens are relieved econimically that Missouri’s Supreme Court chose to vacate an innocent man conviction, which is rare in Missouri. An appointed Special Master Judge Michael Manners by Missouri Supreme Court carefully considered Clemons stay of execution on June 17, 2009. There were hours of expert and eyewitness testimony, including the notorious overzealous prosecutor Nels Moss (now deceased 2/2015).

There was an abundance of physical and material evidence, all of which DID NOT established Clemons’s guilt. Special Master Judge Michael Manners remember that material evidence and false testimony in this case DID NOT corroborated Reggie Clemons account of rape and murder.

In 2012, Clemons had an opportunity to refute that account in an evidentiary hearing, he was advised by his legal counsel to assert his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. The reason he was legally advised, because the state was asking trickery questions about a "rape" Clemons never committed. There's was a written Affidavit (hidden/suppressed) signed by Circuit Attorney office prosecutor Nels Moss on July 21, 1993. The charges of rape, robbery, felonious restraint and several other charges were "NOLLE PROSEQUE," because the state elected NOT to proceed.

Family, friends, supporters, and civil/human rights organizations have always sought justice on behalf of Reggie Clemons actual innocence. Taxpayer citizens in Missouri are assured that a new trial will produce a consistent verdict void of "Color of Law Abuse" that Clemons is NOT guilty of rape according to written a Affidavit signed (hidden/suppressed) by prosecutor Nels Moss on July 21, 1993.

Actually, what's NOT mentioned for public consumption in Reggie Clemons case: The Chain A Rock Bridge is owned by Madison, IL not Missouri. Thomas Cummins actually admitted in THE original police report he's responsible for the deaths of his cousin Julie and Robin Kerry. Taxpayer dollars from citizens of Illinois pay for the Chain of Rocks bridge, so why did Clemons case get taken out of Illinois jurisdiction? Why did prosecutor Nels Moss "Nolle Proseque" dismissed rape criminal charges against Reggie Clemons (3) months after he was sentenced to death in 1993 in a written State Affidavit? See case documents on Reggie Clemons blog

Reggie Clemons and his legal team at Simpson Thacher and Barlett welcome a fair and decent trial on behalf of their client after 24 years. It is with great expectation within 60 days since 11/24/2015, Clemons murder conviction was "thrown out" by Missouri Supreme Court. It is written the state of Missouri have 60 days to respond. There possibly could be another trial without someone acting on behalf of the state to create more "strange fruit" and color of law abuse prior to 2016 statewide elections.

As a Missouri taxpayer I ask you to join our continued fight to win justice on behalf of Reggie Clemons an innocent man sentenced to death by prosecutor Nel Moss. Moss later signed an Affidavit "NOLLE PROSEQUE" rape charges against Clemons, because the state elected NOT to proceed. Clemons murder conviction was recently "thrown out" by Missouri Supreme Court after 24 years as of November 24, 2015, ruling was 4-3.

In closing, inquiring minds would like to know why did Missouri former Attorney General Nixon, Circuit Attorney Office, STLPD all become subject to allowing "color of law abuse" involving botched "suppression of material evidence? Several criminal violations have taken place in Clemons death sentence case such as the Brady law violation, beating confession, coercion, prisoner rights, civil and human rights, including jurisdiction error just to name a few. These legal strategies were all orchestrated by former prosecuting attorney Nels Moss who's now deceased as of Febuary 9, 2015.

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