Celia LaPonsie 0

Right to Roleplay

28 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Celia LaPonsie 0 Comments
28 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Facebook is used for may reasons. Staying in contact, making new friends, advertising. Another popular use is for roleplaying. Roleplaying is when you assume the persona of a character and write as them. Roleplaying is a popular, fun hobby that brings people all across the world together.

Facebook is the most popular platform for multi-fandom roleplaying. However, Facebook is notorious for deleting accounts that go against their community standards, one of which is portraying fictional characters. We are aware that we are breaking the rules, but in all honestly Facebook is the easiest and most enjoyable site to use. This is why we are creating a petition to ask Mark Zuckerberg to design a site specifically for roleplaying purposes. This would give him a large clientele and it would be a happy medium for everybody.

We use roleplaying as a means of bettering ourselves as writers, making friends who share our interests who share our interests, such as shows and movies, and just having fun, with like-minded people who understand us. Is there anything wrong with that?

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