Rideshare drivers against AB5
Many rideshare drivers in San Diego, CA do not agree with the Assembly Bill 5 engineered by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez. While this bill may protect other types of industries we believe regulation to the rideshare industry would destroy the way we conduct business currently, including flexible work schedule, the amount of hours we work, the right to accept or decline ride requests based on our preferences, and paying wages to a union and being controlled by it’s leaders.
We all want better wages, including base fares and bonuses, accessibility to affordable healthcare, fair treatment when passenger complaints are reported that lead to instant deactivation, the ability to get paid daily, and the tax benefits of a schedule C.
Uber & Lyft are not profitable and the last thing they need are millions of employees. If this bill passes in CA it would force them to simply turn California off. Benefits are only available to full time employees so their only other option would be to keep all drivers as part time employees and log off drivers before they are close to qualifying for full time employee status.