Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferers Need Benefit System to acknowledge them
Dianne Jones 0

Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferers Need Benefit System to acknowledge them

63 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Dianne Jones 0 Comments
63 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Rheumatoid Arthritis and related conditions are Auto-Immune diseases which are with their sufferers for life. It causes them constant pain, fatigue, deformities, depression and loss of independence through the immune system attacking their joints and organs. The medication given cannot cure this condition it can only slow down the damage and hopefully dull the pain. Suffers of RA and related conditions are finding it increasingly difficult to have access to benefits such as Disabled Living Allowance, Mobility and Employment Support Allowance(higher rate) due to the British Governments stance on benefits. Everyone who applies is being turned down and forced into the Appeal system adding to the stress they are already experiencing, causing them to have debilitating, severe flare ups. They are made to to go through mindless medical assessments that are not recorded correctly by people who they have never met or have no workable knowledge of the condition. Some sufferers who have been in receipt of DLA have had it stopped suddenly without any warning or explanation. They are having to start the process of filling out mindless forms and dealing with decision makers who really do not understand the condition. Whilst everyone is fully aware of the people who claim benefits that have no right to do so or have created their condition through their own choice are draining the resources. Why should sufferers of a condition that has to be diagnosed by a Specialist (usually employed by the NHS) be treated as if they are trying to scam funds that they are not entitled to. Before you sign this petition please take time to consider how you would feel if everyday tasks that you carry out such as washing and dressing caused you so much pain that you had to stop in between each step to rest, by each step I mean put your arm through a sleeve, stop, move your other arm to the other sleeve, stop etc. You can no longer get down on the floor with your children to play, lift them up, care for them in the way you want to etc. You have to do all your shopping on-line as you can't walk round a supermarket or reach things off a shelf etc. You have to sleep during the day as you have disturbed nights etc. We the undersigned ask that the Coalition Government look at the DLA, Mobility and Employment Support Allowance system and put changes in place that take into consideration the conditions suffered by the applicant and research the condition before making any decisions and to stop disabling people even more than they already are.  


A letter sent to the government about legal action action being taken with regards to their negligance in addressing their reforms of the DLA system and the disabling effects it is having on the claiments that are in need of this benefit
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