Bring Rhett, Cailum, & Chloë Home

Ontario has not yet passed Bill 110, which would give Ombudsman the power to investigate complaints about the Children's Aid Society. So far, CAS in untouchable. They are a private organization, ungoverned by the government. They're granted money according to caseload (# of children 'in care.') Other means of funding include the adoption of children. I was told by CAS that at 9 months after apprehension, they begin to plan either to reunify the family, or to adopt the children out. 9 months is so little time, especially with the farce that is Family Court. CAS can make any accusation against you and they do not have to prove that it is true in Family Court. Instead, the burden of proof is on you to disprove it. It is much harder to prove that something did happen than didn't. On May 9th, 3 children- Rhett (5), Cailum (2), & Chloë (6 months) were apprehended from a home that CAS has admitted to be clean, well stocked with appropriate food, clothing, and toys for the children, and large enough to accommodate the children. In addition to that, their mother was praised for her ability to care for her severely Autistic 5 year old, her ability to divide her attention evenly between all 3 children, and her ability to stay completely calm in what could sometimes be pure chaos in the form of an ASD meltdown. The children received medical attention in a timely manner, Rhett's medication was always ordered in advance so he always had it, and the children attended regular checkups. They had no issues with her parenting. So what was so dangerous about the situation that these children needed to be removed from their home? What was so important that they would completely uproot an Autistic child, who thrives on routine, predictability, and his mother- the one person he was comfortable with. The mother's association with the children's father. The children had also had contact with their father. CAS had claimed that the children's father had assaulted Rhett. They had no proof, and to the contrary the medical evidence showed not only no conclusive evidence of an assault, but a lack of historical abuse or any sign of on-going abuse. This was concluded after Rhett was checked over by highly reputable Child Abuse Specialist Dr. David Warren, and this was after Rhett had seen a doctor at a clinic and another doctor the day before at the hospital, who all had the same thing to say. CAS insisted on the 2nd and 3rd opinions hoping a doctor would claim their had been an assault, to no avail. CAS kept telling the mother "This isn't Criminal Court. We don't have to prove anything." CAS tried to tell her she was only defending Chad's parenting because she must be a battered woman. Chad cherished both the children and their mother. In addition to this, they made a series of lies and claims that can easily be disproved. The trouble is that Family Court is a long process and the family cannot afford a good lawyer. The children were apprehended crying and reaching out for their mother. They have appeared to visits injured and dirty. Next to no information is shared with the mother. She only has 3 hours a week of supervised access at CAS. The father has been given NO access to the children. There are many details, none of which make the CAS appear to be professional and child-focused. I have limited character space to tell the story. Please sign this petition to bring these children home where they were so loved and well taken care of. Rhett is now regressing behaviorally, injuring himself and others, smearing feces and shutting down inside. I hope those who know us will sign this petition, and I hope that their friends will trust their judgement enough to sign the petition as well. It won't ensure the children's return, but it will show that there is support and that the public disagrees with what CAS is doing. That people care for these children and are watching CAS's conduct. Having no family on either parent's side, there are few people to stand in behalf of this. Not just to save these 3 children, but all of the children unjustly taken. Support Bill 110. There's no reason not to.