Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for President

Dear Mr. Kennedy: As you are already aware, there is a growing movement in this country to draft you as a candidate for President of the United States. We, the undersigned, hope that you will seriously consider a run for the presidency in 2012 or 2016. We believe that as President you will reunite the country and restore America's standing as nation of peace and goodwill in the eyes of the world. We believe that you will use the power of that high office to carry out the will of the people and bring our troops home. We believe that you will not be intimidated or corrupted by powerful special interests, and that you will craft a sane energy policy. We believe that you will make protecting our natural environment a top priority. We believe that you will fight to restore public trust in our Justice Department and the dignity of the Attorney General's office as your father once envisioned it. You have devoted so much of your life to public service and making the world a better place. Although you have never run for office before, many of us believe it is time for you to make that leap of faith. Because we have faith in you. We believe that you are the man who would live up to the highest ideals of all the Kennedy name stands for in American history. We know you would honor the legacies of your father and your uncle John F. Kennedy, and make us all feel proud of our country again. 40 years later, the Torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans. Who will we choose to lead us in these troubled times Who best represents our common dreams, goals, and hopes Who has the courage to stand up to the military hawks and corporate interests who rule Washington and want to rule the world Who amongst the current crop of candidates not only talks the talk, but walks the walk In our opinion, *none* of them do. That is exactly why we must convince you, if we can, to take on the heaviest of burdens and represent us as our candidate for President of the United States. America and the world need you now more than ever. Your country is calling you. As you have often said: "the present shouts...the future whispers. Our job is to amplify the voice of the future." We think that your voice, joined with our voices to become one, is the voice of the future. With our signatures on this petition, we pledge that we'll be behind you all the way to the White House. Sincerely, The Undersigned