Opposition to Rezoning Petition for Haynes Property on Memorial Blvd.
Boro Coalition 0

Opposition to Rezoning Petition for Haynes Property on Memorial Blvd.

238 signers. Add your name now!
Boro Coalition 0 Comments
238 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, the undersigned homeowners of Murfreesboro, do hereby petition the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Planning Commission, and members of the City Council of Murfreesboro, Tennessee to deny the rezoning petition filed by Haynes Brothers Development for the 30-acre property located on Memorial Blvd. at King’s Ridge Road in north Murfreesboro. As disclosed in the rezoning petition, Mr. Terry Haynes and Haynes Brothers Development are requesting said property to be rezoned from OG-R (Office General in a Residential Area) to CH (Commercial Highway) and RM-16 (Multi-Family Development).


We respectfully call to your attention a copy of the 2010 Zoning Ordinance, Murfreesboro City Code, Appendix A, Section 1, General Purpose and Intent that clearly states: “ The regulations contained in this article are designed and are enacted for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Murfreesboro by lessening or preventing congestion in the public streets; securing safety from fire and other dangers; furthering the provision of adequate light and pure air; avoiding excessive concentrations of population and wasteful scattering of population; encouraging such distribution of population and such classification of land uses as will tend to facilitate and conserve adequate provisions for transportation, water supply, drainage, sanitation, educational opportunity, and recreation; protecting and promoting both urban and non-urban development; and preserving landmark buildings, objects and sites.”


We ask the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Planning Commission, and members of the City Council of Murfreesboro, Tennessee to honor and uphold the OG-R zoning on this property that they established with the explicit intent and purpose to preserve and protect the established neighborhoods from the encroachment of commercial development. We also respectfully remind the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Planning Commission, and the members of the City Council of Murfreesboro, Tennessee that the aforementioned precepts clearly acknowledge the City’s intent to use this 2010 Zoning Ordinance “for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Murfreesboro.”


Pursuant to your stated mission, the said property was zoned OG-R for that explicit purpose of protecting the homeowners of the adjacent and surrounding areas. If the City rezones this property to CH and RM-16, they will impugn the trust placed in you by the homeowners whom you were elected to protect, and thus contradict your own ordinance guidelines. Thank you for your time and consideration of this matter. We trust that you will oppose this rezoning request, while pursuing to uphold and honor the zoning ordinance you established for the said property. The homeowners of the affected communities appreciate your commitment to their health, safety, and welfare as residents of the City of Murfreesboro.



The ‘Boro Coalition

Murfreesboro Homeowners promoting the best quality of life in our neighborhoods


The sponsors of this petition and the rezoning opposition are the 'Boro Coalition; a group of concerned Murfreesboro homeowners united in preserving the integrity and quality of life in the neighborhoods in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. We respectfully seek to support and encourage our elected officials to honor and protect the tax-paying homeowners in their efforts to build Murfreesboro.


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