Rewrite the flashbacks or give us some sort of apology

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NEWDEADMAN . 0 Comments
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To Telltale and the people who read this

I have been a Telltale fan for years and The Walking Dead might just be my favourite series created. I've replayed S1 and S2 so many times and I loved them, but as im sure you are all aware there has been an uproar in the community about 2 characters Kenny and Jane. Now first lets start with Jane, I was never a Jane fan and i just didn't like her ideology but I feel annoyed and sympathy for the people who stood by Jane's side at the end of season 2. Telltale stated that our endings would have a big impact on how the season starts and maybe there is more to come but so far I have seen barely anything that has made an impact. Straight of the bat Jane committing suicide makes sense in the terms of not wanting to put a child through anything that this world brings, but she has always been the loner type and thats shown in her character and then she talks about the ghosts of Howes like she really cared which she probably did but its a really big curveball from what was shown in episode 2 and the fact that Telltale had over 2 years to write this and they could only come up for a 5 min death scene is a disgrace. Now Kenny, hes always been my favourite character of the series, Ive been trying to keep him alive with clem through the whole of the game and for him to only have a 5min cameo is pathetic. The Kenny fanbase is huge and im sure im not the only one who feels cheated that our choice in season 2 made no point in terms of how the characters would end up and dont get me started on the wellington ending. This is one comment from who i know is a loyal Telltale fan and his disappointment towards how everything turned out. ''Four years. I've been on board with this game for four years. And it feels like everything they built in the first two seasons is just being torn apart. It feels like I'm seeing an empire just collapse right before my eyes. This shit's left me in a bad mood in real life, even. That's how much it's paining me to see it just crash and burn like this. I'm not even mad, necessarily-- just disappointed. It's like seeing a good friend succumb to addiction, or something like that. Seeing something you used to respect just fall apart, collapse in on itself. You're not angry, you're just sad to see something that you know has the potential to be so much more-- the potential to be something great-- slip into the abyss. I've seen it happen to a lot of other series I've liked, and I don't want to see it happen yet again. I don't want another series I've been a fan of to burn itself out. And not like this.

God do I hate to say this, but for all the crap they get about choices not mattering, they somehow managed to take it to a whole new level with Kenny/Jane's deaths. You've had 2 years to plan this out, and you're telling me the best death you could come up with for Jane was "she gets pregnant and decides to hang herself"? And Kenny, a major character that's been integral to this series for 4 years, gets a Nick/Sarah-tier death?

I still think Telltale is capable of making some great series. TWD S1, TWAU, TFTBL, Batman, even TWD S2 for me... all great stuff. But right now, it feels like they're taking a buzzsaw to TWD-- their flagship series.

I try to be as optimistic as I can. I try to stay loyal to the things I like as long as I can. And forgive me I'm sounding over-dramatic here, but I'm starting to near the end of my rope for this series.''

There are many people who feel cheated and extremely annoyed that they didn't get a better sendoff, it couldve been a series of flashbacks that leads to their death,they couldve been involved in the series even if they was a backup character, they couldve had more chances to die thats based of the choices you make but no they were just killed off almost making the whole of Season 2 pointless. I just dont understand how you couldnt come up with anything longer than 5 minutes, Ive seen fan fiction of how they could go better than this and overall its just a really big disappointment for us and I hope for the writers. I hope we get a sincere apology from the writers and I would ask for more but we all know thats not going to happen.Thanks for your time.

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