Revoke Mr. Crowell's (W6WBJ) Amateur Radio License

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to the Federal Communications Commission

We, the undersigned Amateur Radio licensees and friends, petition the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to permanently and with prejudice revoke the license of Mr. William F. Crowell (W6WBJ). The petition is presented in conjunction with petitions from the Western Amateur Radio Friendship Association (WARFA) and the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL).

Mr. Crowell’s license was due to expire on March 12, 2007. He applied for a renewal and in a response from the FCC dated February 12, 2008, the hearing officer recommended that Mr. Crowell appear for a hearing on the allegations and that the renewal notice be denied due to the fact that “Mr. Crowell’s past and continuing course of misconduct raises a substantial and material question of fact as to whether he possess the requisite character qualifications to be and remain a Commission licensee.” (DA-08-361)

Background Information on Mr. Crowell’s continued malicious interference.

Mr. Crowell was first cited by the FCC under his previous call (N6AYJ) in 2000 for malicious interference of other Amateur Radio operators transmissions. He also applied for and was granted a vanity call W6WBJ but the length of the time-frame of his license was not extended. Mr. Crowell’s license was due to expire on March 12, 2007. He applied for a renewal and in a response from the FCC dated February 12, 2008, the hearing officer recommended that Mr. Crowell appear for a hearing on the allegations and that the renewal notice be denied. Due to continuous administrative issues (one judge retired and the new judge died), the FCC action on Mr. Crowell’s renewal license has not been finalized so he has continued to operate in defiance of the FCC.

The following information is from the Introduction to the Notice of Forfeiture imposed upon Mr. William F. Crowell (W6WBJ) on August 2, 2016.(DA-16-877)

Mr. Crowell’s deliberate interference to other users, using voice, noises and music, directly contravenes the Amateur Radio Service’s fundamental purpose as a voluntary noncommercial communications service to contribute to the advancement of radio art, expand the existing reservoir of trained operators, technicians, and electronic experts, and continue the amateur’s unique ability to enhance international goodwill. Mr. Crowell does not deny that he made the transmissions that prompted the NAL in this proceeding, but argues, in large part, that those transmissions were protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. After reviewing Mr. Crowell’s arguments, we find no reason to cancel, withdraw, or reduce the forfeiture penalty proposed in the NAL.”

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