Revoke the charitable status of CJPME
מיכאל בן-יא 0

Revoke the charitable status of CJPME

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מיכאל בן-יא 0 Comments
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The Canada Revenue Agency must revoke the charitable status of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (Registration no.: 841493539RR0001) who are organizing to damage products from Israel. It is a criminal offence to deface products.

Charities Act

Cap. C-4 3

7.(1) The registration of any charity is subject to termination by the Minister wherever in his discretion he may consider that effective coordination of public subscriptions renders the termination desirable in the public interest.

(2) The Minister, if satisfied that any charity registered under this Act

is not being carried on in good faith, or is not complying with any of the

conditions imposed under this Act, and the regulations, or is not being

administered, may terminate the registration thereof and shall give public

notice thereof.

"The Canadian parliament on Monday approved by a large majority a draft resolution rejecting and condemning the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement."

The Jewish community and Indigenous International calls on the Government of Canada to enforce the law, as BDS charity plans "sticky note" campaign

To the attention of the Honourable Minister For Public Safety, Ralph Goodale:

It has come to the attention of the Jewish community of Canada that an Ottawa based organization with charitable donation status, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, is asking Canadians to damage sales of Israeli products that are sold in Canada.

This BDS group has stated: " CJPME's campaign invites Canadians from across the country to sign up for a packet of free 'Boycott Israel' sticky notes. CJPME invites Canadians to go to local stores and post these on Israeli merchandise, thus warning potential buyers against buying products from Israel."

The Jewish community of Canada is calling on your office to advise the Canada Revenue Agency and the RCMP to enforce the law. Conspiring with other groups and persons to willfully damage business, premises and impeding people from carrying on normal business - together with the new form of antisemitism - must be stopped.

We hope that your office will see fit to take necessary immediate actions to remedy this situation.

Thank You

Please write to members of Parliament and ask them to enforce the law and have CJPME charity status revoked.

Please note that since at least Winter of 2016, CJPME has been actively damaging Israeli goods across Canada. This must stop immediately

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