Revision for AMT Andrew Pena
Andrew pena 0

Revision for AMT Andrew Pena

30 signers. Add your name now!
Andrew pena 0 Comments
30 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Fellow Union Brothers

The purpose of this petition is to shed light on the decision to terminate AMT Andrew Pena. An incomplete investigation with falsified information was used as justification for termination. As some of you may know, the “misconduct” in question occurred during park crew on day shift. A CR1 entry was made with untrue statements such as "not in work area" and "acts of insubordination". Both of these accusations have been proven to be false per our TWU Union Contract and video surveillance. Surveillance clearly shows mechanic in question awaiting work assignments in work area and parking aircraft throughout the lunch hour. Furthermore, CR1 entries, per company policy, cannot be used in disciplinary action. Be that as it may, American Airlines used the CR1 filed to drive the decision to terminate and violated Article 28 of the TWA/AA CBA.

It also stands that an incomplete investigation was held. Management did not review video surveillance when asked, did not question members of the park crew, and only questioned management staff with minimal knowledge of the issue at hand. These false accusations in turn affected the 150 day review due to the CR1 entry, and an unjust decision was made partly because only management staff with no prior knowledge to the mechanics work ethic and history were questioned.

In short, we believe that Andrew Pena was not given a complete investigation, was punished unjustly, and false statements were used in the CR1 entry. Let us show our support for our fallen union brother to back up work ethic, history, and grievance against American Airlines. With support from courageous American Airlines employees, we believe that this petition can reach upper management and a more complete investigation can be completed. Please show your support with by signing; thank you.

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