Support for the Passage of a Revised M1 law on Grand Island (NY)

We, the undersigned, fully support the passage of Local Law #6 of 2023: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mV0Nw5ctZ7oj2tOwkeWeXmgpuvDsIcb9/view?usp=sharing
Our Town Board has deliberated for many months on a change to our M1/M2 zoning law that would limit the total size of all buildings on a “business campus” to 150,000 square feet and removes distribution center as a permitted use (but allows warehouses). They have carefully considered the outsized impact these types of structures/businesses have on our infrastructure and the health and well-being of our community.
On two separate occasions, Erie County Planning (ECP) has “disallowed” the proposed changes due to the “need for economic development” without considering the severely negative impacts on our community and the existing character of Grand Island. Erie County should not dictate what is appropriate for our unique island community.
The vote on Local Law #6 of 2023 will take place on May 6, 2024 at the regularly scheduled Town Board meeting at 8pm at the Town Hall.
Our local Town officials can override the County by passing this local law with a super majority vote (all four votes) and we fully encourage each member of the Town Board to vote yes.
They will have our full support and gratitude.