change our social services

our social services is paid for by our taxes by recent stories in the papers they are not doing their jobs properly atall. There are many other children aswell as baby p who are not being protected by the very people who are surposed to. As i type this there are children who need removing from their homes away from their abusers before the same sickening story is reported in the news like little baby p except with a different name and face and another list of injurys . We can all light a candle for the children we couldnt help to show we did care lets get our social services looked into and changed and help the children who its not too late for no matter their age lets show them that a parent or carer is to love nurture and protect lets give them the voice they need to ask for justice. Every tax payer has the right to ask for this protection should mean just that sign this petition to get our social services reviewed and changed before its too late for another child this has to stop !!!!!!!!!!!