Clients of Reverb Please Speak Out Against Biofuel
Dear Client of Reverb The persons listed below are petitioning you to assist in correcting a misguided but well meaning attempt on the part of the company Reverb. Your use of the production company Reverb as providers for your tour transportation requirements is well meaning but partially flawed. Reverb\'s use of biofuels as an attempt at the greening of the music business is on the wrong track. The problems with biofuels are many but our concern is the conversion of food to fuel. Millions of people in the third world are facing starvation as a result of the conversion of food sources to ethanol. The market for ethanol is causing many fields previously used to grow wheat and other grains to be converted to corn fields further aggravating the current food crisis. Until ethanol is made from non food items (switch grass among others) ethanol, the major component of biofuels, is not an ethically or morally correct choice for fuel. Reverb is a good and well intentioned company and we applaud their efforts to be green but the touting of biofuel that is part of their plan is influencing impressionable fans of yours to consider it a viable alternative when in fact the use of ethanol is driving the global food crisis. A website called contains more information about this crisis and can fill in more details. People in the U.S. are for the most part generous and are working to create a better planet but the use of ethanol to do so is a serious blunder that will only make us look heartless in the eyes of the less fortunate. Please speak out on this matter and consider your clout and association with Reverb as a chance to make a positive change. Please help end ethanol use.