darla kilgore 0

Reunite me with my niece !!!

21 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
darla kilgore 0 Comments
21 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hey everyone.
As some of you know - I don’t get to see my niece Olivia. I haven’t seen her in a year this month. Last year on her 12th birthday I went to her house to give her the birthday presents I bought for her. I knocked on the door and it was answered by a person I did not know. I was told to leave and told “I won’t be seeing her again”.
Prior to this I was seeing her only twice a month for limited hours. It was hard but we ended up getting super comfy and close again. The family that has her is not related to her and is keeping her from me who is her blood Aunt. I haven’t done anything wrong or illegal to be kept from this child. She wants to see me and she’s expressed she wants to! She is so happy to see me and she’s told me multiple times she doesn’t want to leave me. Olivia and I have grown up side by side. My older sister had her when she was 16 and my mother was using drugs so I pretty much took care of her as much as I could. When Olivia was 4 and I was 15 we went to court with my mother and she did not have a car. My mom ended up getting a ride from the person she bought pills from. My mother ended up going to jail and the judge told her if we couldn’t go home with the person who was with us. We had to go to foster care. I had been in foster care as a child and Olivia was actually born while my sister was in a home for teenage mothers. Basically she was in foster care as well. I was most definitely scared of foster care at the time but - my mom ended up handing us over to her and from then on our lives changed. We were abused. We were neglected. I don’t really feel it’s necessary to share the intimate details of the abuse here. But if anyone wants to know ANYTHING. I’d be glad to share with you in confidence.
Now I am still having to deal with the neglect as an adult. I am still struggling with these adults who abused me physically and mentally all because they want to keep a child away from me because they are in denial that they hurt me very badly and my niece Olivia.
I left in 2017 and did not get to see her for years because I had no idea where she was and to be very honest I was scared. Very scared. I did not get to see her again until January of 2020 maybe a bit before then?
I finally got to courage to put my foot down to see her after some things happened and after I could recover from the abuse as best as I could. I am still dealing with it currently. And not being able to see her is so very hard. If anyone on here can sign this petition and share it - I’d be forever grateful.
I really really need to see this girl and my end goal is to take her home with me where she truly wants to be. This situation is literally hindering my life from moving forward. I am currently doing very well financially and my career is forming very well. All I need is my Olivia and I can finally move on. This petition is in hopes to at least see her on her birthday. Which is March 22. I ended up getting this ready later than I wanted due to some anxiety. So share this to anyone you can and please sign this for me and my niece !!!!

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