Return Skye Botero's Children

On January 9, 2013 Judge Joann Wise will most likely strip all parental rights to her children from Skye Botero without the due process all Americans are supposed to be guaranteed. She has been refused the opportunity to bring witnesses, to submit evidence, even to have relatives considered for placement of the children, instead placing one with an alledgedly unfit father and the other with a foster family under whose carethechild has already received a black eye. Please sign our petition to demand that the children be removed from their current dangerous situations and returned to their mother or to family that have loved and nurtured them before they were unjustly taken without good cause. Our petition will be delivered to Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear in the hopes that he will not only intervene in our case, but in the case of many other Kentucky families who have suffered at the hands of a CPS that needs more oversight. Not only is this a personal, heartbreaking matter for us, but it has launched us on a crusade to help other families. In addition to signing our petition, I hope you'll check out our promo for a future documentary on the subject: