Return Ohio To The Land & Soil

Declaration of Independence for Ohio
First, it is important to clearly comprehend that each common-law jurisdiction is about “Consensus-based Self-Governing” (as opposed to the “Majority-Rule” governing model).
Because each common-law governmental jurisdiction is composed of only twelve, ten, or less political sub-divisions, it is fairly easy to achieve this “Consensus”. Here-under; the only governmental jurisdiction smaller than the Township, is the individual “Households”.
Further; each Household's members are required to come to an Agreement/Consensus about what are the Rules/Laws for their household/homestead, & also about Who will be their “Head of Household” SpokesPerson.
This is true under Natural-Law, Common-Law, & Christian-Law, because: "Every kingdom divided against itself is destroyed, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.”(Matthew 12:25, & Mark 3:25)
Here-under; once an individual has a Consensus formed around Who will be his/her “Head of Household”, then the next step is for that Household-Head is to Become Certified as a “Qualified Elector” in his/her Precinct & Township. This is done quite simply by finding two other “Heads of Household”, so that all three of these Household-Heads can Simultaneously Certify Each-Other as being a “Qualified Elector”.
This is all based on the Biblical & Common-Law Authority of the “Two Witnesses”, each of which has the lawful authority to “Certify” that the Third Individual is a “Qualified Elector”.
It is important to note here that these few “Qualified-Electors” do Not Need any “Permission” or “License” to form any Out-Side Authority in order to Certify the Legitimate Status of any of them as “Qualified Electors” in Their Township & Precinct.
We're working together to restore Ohio government to the land and soil jurisdiction by reconstructing the function of the four pillars of self governance.