Return my three wrongfully removed children immediately

We moved to Texas from Las Vegas in March 2019. Not 70 days later CPS came and removed my children on the basis of alleged physical abuse. The only proof they had were pictures of bruises inflicted by the children themselves to which the children blamed on the animals. The Pictures were thrown out as the department attorney did not provide them the our attorney during the first hearing which was outside of the 24 hour timeline for determining if the removal was justified. No warrant was present and no law enforcement was present until the very end AFTER they decided to steal the children! The children ages 9,7 & 6 have been out of our care for going on 2 years. The Department of Family Protective Services have since not been able to prove “with evidence” that the children were abused but only hear say through a caregiver who is biased. In October 2019, new allegations were placed of sexual abuse. After 2 forensic interviews which the children DENIED all allegations, the deptartment terminated my visitations. On Apr. 9th 2020, my daughter was coached in front of my wife to tell these false allegations to my wife and during the same visitation my daughter stated the caseworker enticed her by stating that she “could go home if she says this to her mother.” During the trial, the therapist, caseworker and CASA supervisor all admitted that the caregiver (mother in law) was the one who told them. The next day after the final arguments were made at the trial our rights were terminated on the basis not relivent to the allegations at all! Once again nothing was proven. On October 14th after hours (9pm) I was contacted by another CPS investigator who claimed my younger daughter stated that I sexually abused her. He was informed that evidence provided to the court during trial show that my daughter willingly stated that they were sexually abused at the Foster Home in Austin. They provided a close of investigation letter to my wife that states they have reason to believe my daughter even though the investigation did not follow due process and was illegal as he is not a licensed investigator and not trained in behavioral or emotional detection. On Dec. 16th we lost our appeal same day we were informd that the appeals court would start reviewing our case. This is an obviously biased system and our children need to be returned as per their wishes to be with their bilogical parents. Please help us get our angels back. These children need their mama and papa to be their Christmas Miracle. Save our Gwendolyn, Parker and Liam!! They need the help. They need to be saved not just from the system but from their abusive maternal Grandparents! Help us save our babies and start holding these corrupt people accountable!