Bill s. 1154 The omnibus crime reduction and sentencing reform act of 2010 should be retroactive
On june 2, 2010 Bill s.1154 was signed into law by governor Mark Sanford "The Omnibus Crime Reduction and sentencing act of 2010" It includes some major changes to the criminal law in South Carolina.The new law includes many changes in sentencing, some that benifit defendants, and some that do not. The designed purpose of the act is to reduce recidivism (relapse into criminal behaviour), and to reduce the non-violent prison population and provide "FAIR" and effective sentencing options. Some of the major changes created by this law was to allow a number of "Violent offenders to be eligible for work release and work credits once they have completed a certain percentage of their sentence". Another major change "It ends mandatory minimum sentences for drug possession offenders, It eliminates the disparity between crack and powder cocaine, It makes the majority of drug offenses eligible for parole, work credits,good time credits,furlough,suspended sentences,and community supervision. With the new law anyone convicted on or after June 2, 2010 for a drug offense and alot of other non-violent offenses will no longer be sentenced to serve 85% but 65%, Those who were already convicted prior to this enactment,"IS NOT ELIGIBLE" unless WE the family and loved ones of the prison populus, come together and take a major stand and start writing to the address listed- THE SOUTH CAROLINA SENTENCING GUIDELINE COMMISSION- I MCDUFFIE STONE III 1105 PENDLETON ST. BLATT BLDG. ROOM 220 COLUMBIA SC 29211 To strees the unfairness and the miscarriage of justice of this new law. WE need churches, family members, co-workers, freinds, EVERYONE. -- On November 1 2010 President Barrack Obama signed into law " The Fair Sentencing Act 2010" for federal inmates. This law changed the federal sentencing guidelines for crack cocaine. Unfortunately that law was not retroactive, however almost a year later due to the consistency of family ,freinds and unity amongst inmates. The United States Sentencing Commission has already received more than 37,000 letters on the issue. This in turn has brought The Federal Sentencing Commission back together to consider making the guidelines retroactive. If this is done over 12,000 Federal inmates will be released. --It is not too late fo SC state prisoners to receive equal justice. IT IS TIME FOR UNITY pick up a pen and paper and write the SC sentencig commission, and askt them to make this situation fair for those alredy convicted please make it fair. Because they were convicted before this law passed does not mean they shouldn't be entitled to the benifits. The families and supporters of the federal inmates did it, so can we. We are the ones who voted these people into office. With unity we will prevail, EVERY LETTER MAKES A DIFFERENCE...