Restructuring of Covet Voting

We have been quietly sitting by and watching as clone after clone has won the Top Looks in Covet, but after the One and One Challenge we feel that our voices need to join together and be heard.
With the costs of challenges going up all the time and the changing of how one gets entry tickets there has been a skewing of the voting process. It is is a determent to the game that a group of people can agree upon one "IT" look and them all vote the same so the results always fall to their favor.
This has never been more obvious than with the "One and One" event. The Top Looks were no even close to the character being described, which was 11 from Stranger Things. And to make matters worse, those that did follow the theme got appalling scores.
When the fact that players have to now pay more for each challenge is added to the realization that they will not get high scores unless they wear the "IT" outfit and have the long blond hair creates not only disappointment but often ends in the decision to stop playing all together.
We ask of you, the Covet creators, to review and restructure the voting process so that the results can show a fair and accurate overview of the looks that appealed to the most people. We look for the chance for all players to be on an equal filed where their level or clothing choice does not matter as much as the overall beauty of the look.