Dolores Meehan 0

Restore the Public Mass

2139 signers. Add your name now!
Dolores Meehan 0 Comments
2139 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Holy Mass + 6 feet distance + hand washing + pew sanitizing = Good for the Body and Good for the Soul

The public celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been suspended due to concern of the spread of the COVID19 to congregations, especially to the elderly, while attending Mass.

What if the Holy Mass could be celebrated publicly in such a way as to ensure Public Health and Safety?

Please visit our website to see how easily and effectively a parish can implement safeguards to hold MORE (not less or no) Masses per Sunday

Our Bishops should insist that "Public Worship" be included in the list of existing "essential services", which include but are not limited to: grocery stores, abortion clinics, coffee shops, hardware stores, banks and marijuana dispensaries.

Our bishops should push back on the "maximum assembly in public spaces" of 10 as being arbitrary. It is illogical to allow 10 people into a Starbucks, but to limit 10 people into a parish that has seating capacity of over 1000!

Coronavirus is real and reasonable precautions MUST remain in place. The Dispensation from the obligation to attend Holy Mass remains in place. The elderly and vulnerable should stay home from Mass. Those who have anxiety should stay home. All of us should implement the good hygienic practices that we have learned. But Holy Mass must be restored in a prudent and limited capacity. Please visit

Thank you for signing this petition. Please share with your contacts. Please pray!!!

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