Restore the Cuts to MSU Faculty and Academic Staff Pay and Benefits!

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MSU unnecessarily balanced its budget on the backs of faculty and academic staff. We support the MSU Faculty Senate resolution passed near unanimously on November 16, 2021, calling on MSU to restore faculty retirement benefit cuts, pay cuts and merit raises.

President Stanley and the Board of Trustees imposed 10-month salary cuts of 1-8%; an 18-month, 50% cut in retirement match; and at least a 36-month gap between merit raises for all non-union academic management, faculty, and academic staff. These decisions were based on projected pandemic-associated budget shortfalls in state funding of $43M and a loss of $63M in tuition revenue. However:

Even with these new financial data, President Stanley and the Board of Trustees have no plans to return the deepest and longest-lasting cuts in salary and benefits among Big 10 universities to faculty and academic staff. What are the consequences of these cuts?

Faculty and academic staff are struggling with increased teaching, research, and service workloads while managing our own family responsibilities. As wages increase nationally, we've seen our pay, benefits, and purchasing power drop significantly and unnecessarily.

We urge President Stanley and the Board of Trustees to retroactively restore these unnecessary cuts to pay and benefits before more outstanding faculty leave and we jeopardize our ability to attract the best new talent. The costs of recruiting and replacing faculty will far outpace the costs of retaining our best and brightest.

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