Restoration of Individual Rights Amendment

In a perfect world, we wouldn't need the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. In a perfect world, our natural right of armed self-defense would be recognized and held sacred by our government. There are other rights that should be held sacred, and this petition hopes to restore them.
Our Founders knew that governments like to restrict things that were seen as threats. The Founders were harassed for things they said or printed, so they incorporated the First Amendment into the United States Constitution. The Founders were told to turn in their arms, so they wrote the Second. They were forced to quarter English troops in their homes, so they added the Third. In fact, the first eight Amendments pertained directly to violations of human rights imposed by the British. Our Founders knew that such violations could happen again, so they established safeguards against such acts.
Sadly, America is not immune to the corruption of power. This great Country has been infected with the disease of career politics. She is not well, and her citizens are tired of it. Her citizens have been mistrusted, spied upon, and presumed guilty until proven innocent for far too long. We hereby propose a new Amendment to the United States Constitution called the Restoration of Individual Rights Amendment. It reads:
"That all People shall be treated as Free Citizens; no Federal, State, or Local government shall infringe upon these Individual Rights which are sacred: speech, religion, self-defense, security of self and effects, and right to fair trial."
Few countries are so lucky to have a document written specifically to protect their Individual Rights. We would honor our ancestors' sacrifices by restoring these rights to their former meaning. Thank you for signing, and God (or the Deity of your choice) Bless America.