Restarting of Concordia's Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering Chapter

Concordia's Engineering department has a number of student societies that represent the different engineering disciplines. Unfortunately, mechanical engineers lack representation, as the university's Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering chapter, was disbanded a few years back due to lack of membership. As such, mechanical engineering students have been joining other societies, such as CUBES.
We feel that it would be it would be nice to have a student society of our own, and therefore are going through the steps to revive the CSME. To do this, we need 100 signatures from registered Concordia ENCS students, and figure that an online petition would work as well as a physical one.
We want to look into hosting talks from researchers as opposed to industry
guys per the norm. Not that industry isn't important, but non-industry engineers giving talks is much rarer.
So, we ask you: sign our petition, and let us form a society that just might do some pretty interesting things.