Respect For MCHS Graduation
For many generations Mid-Carolina graduates have gotten ready for that very important day. They stood together lined up over looking the football field that holds many memories. Then in single file each graduate marched down the hill and across the Rebel football field to their seat. Overlooking this amazingly important day in the graduates life were his/her entire family to include parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, & cousins. Secondary to a decision made by the school board even after complaints from students and family alike, it was voted to permanently remove this iconic graduation to the very inadequately sized gymnasium. Without all of these family members hard work and love we would not be the person we are today. As a graduate we should graduate with respect by our school. By being forced to graduate in the gym, depending the size of the class a student is provided a small number of tickets which forces us to choose which integral family member can come support us an share in one of the most memorable memories we will have. This is the single most disrespectful thing that the district can decide for us, we have a voice let's make it heard! Please sign the petition showing that you want your family to be respected at your graduation by being able to attend or sign it as a parent who finds this disrespect atrocious. We ave a voice let's make the Rebel Yell Heard! Bring graduation back to Lon Armstrong Stadium.