Neil Wilson 0

Sir Paul Stephenson Must Resign Forthwith

41 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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41 people have signed. Add your voice!
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The People of Great Britain demand that the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson, tenders his resignation from the post with immediate effect. His apparent unwillingness to initiate arrest warrants for Members of Parliament, despite Prima Facie evidence being obtained and presented by the Daily Telegraph, has rendered his position untenable.


As a hard working and honest citizen of Great Britain, I am absolutely disgusted and appalled by the revelations concerning Parliament and its Members. They appear to be above the Law and the heel dragging by Sir Paul Stephenson, only goes to exacerbate the situation. Please feel free to e-mail this petition to as many people as possible. The more signatures, the better. Thank You Neil Wilson.


In order to highlight the plight of our 'Democracy' I decided to set up a Youtube channel which you can view at your leisure.
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