Calling for the Resignation of LaVonne Sheffield District 205 Rockford IL

We, the undersigned citizens, students and parents of students in District 205, sign this Petition in order to express a "no confidence" vote and demand the immediate resignation, and/or immediate removal of Dr. Lavonne Sheffield as Superintendent of District 205, Rockford IL. We have lost faith in her ability to control the schools and handle public school funds. Through her inappropriate policies she has placed District 205 students and teachers in grave danger and fostered a atmosphere that is not conducive to learning. 1. Removing the majority of the police officers from the schools, hence placing the students in danger and fostering violence 2. Hiring a security firm to patrol the schools who have no authority and no control 3. Instituting a lax student referral policy; discouraging Principals from turning referrals into the school board 4. Instituting a policy that states there will be no consequences for students who bring guns, weapons, and illegal drugs to school if they turn them into the office during the next passing period; allowing loaded guns to be present in public school buildings; fostering a potential disaster 5. Having a policy of no metal detectors in the schools 6. Enforcing a gag order on teachers, Principals and Vice Principals who they speak up against the violence in the schools through intimidation and threats of job loss 7. A policy of bullying and intimidation tactics in order to keep the truth about the violence and chaos in the schools hushed 8. Not following rules i.e Union rules in the bogus firing of almost 600 teachers and staff 9. Mis-handling of funds 10. A policy of blaming the streets, parents and the economy when it is her policies that have caused this downward spiral of chaos and violence that is prevalent in the schools 11. Hiding the truth about what is really happening in the schools and costing the tax payers of Rockford, IL money as fire alarms are pulled on an almost daily basis; potentially causing fire trucks not to be available for real emergencies and putting citzens in danger We demand her immediate resignation.