Harper must resign to save the Conservative government
Noam Garrett 0

Harper must resign to save the Conservative government

35 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Noam Garrett 0 Comments
35 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Stephen Harper has done a great deal for the Conservative Party, but many Conservatives have been uncomfortable with his top-down style of governing that is not faithful to the party's grassroots. Now, Harper and his advisers have jeopardized the current Conservative government by provoking the opposition parties. If nothing is done, the opposition parties will seize control of the government, permanently damaging the Conservative cause and putting the country in the unsteady hands of an unstable coalition government. The only solution to this crisis is for Harper to resign and to be immediately replaced by someone who can act as a honest broker with the opposition parties. This is the only way a Conservative government can stay in power and keep the country on the right track. Now is the time for Stephen Harper to honour himself and the Conservative Party by stepping aside. To help make this happen, sign the petition below and e-mail other Conservatives to tell them to do the same.


We are loyal Conservatives who believe that the party must be greater than one man. We respect Stephen Harper, but now is the time for Stephen Harper to show that he is as loyal to the Conservative party as it has been to him and make this sacrifice to preserve Conservative government for Canada.
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