Residents Against Birchwood Manor
Tom Daley 0

Residents Against Birchwood Manor

54 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Tom Daley 0 Comments
54 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

To all residents making their homes in and around Pheasant Lane, Middlesex Rd, Appletree Lane, Doelner Drive and Circle, Birchwood Drive and many other adjacent streets in Schodack and East Greenbush, New York.

This petition is to show your concern and support to prevent commercial development on property owned by the Love Lutheran Church located at the corners  of Pheasant Lane, Middlesex Road and Birchwood Drive.

Commercial developers plan to build independent adult apartment housing consisting of multiple multi-storied buildings. The development will include a dining and community center, a large illuminated parking lot and outdoor facilities. We believe a project of this scale will have a significant long-lasting negative impact on the quality of life in our quiet residential neighborhoods.

We plan to take this petition to the town boards of East Greenbush and Schodack as soon as possible.  Please don't delay in signing this document below.

If you would like more information please email the following address,

Thank You,

Your Fellow Neighbors


Schodack and East Greenbush Residents in and around Middlesex Rd.


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