Appropriate Changes for Re-zoning of Chase Bank

The University Park City Council is considering a request by Strode Development to increase the current zoning rights on the old Chase Bank building and surface parking lot and has requested the City sell the developer the alley to connect the two parcels. On August 16, Strode Development presented its development plan (see link): gateway.aspx and the City Council opened a public hearing on the requested zoning changes. At that meeting, we presented a petition signed by 680 people objecting to the zoning changes (more signatures than those that voted in the last 3 city council elections). The objections to the zoning changes fell into four general areas:
- Increased Height Request: 99.5' + 6.5' = 106 feet in total height (higher than any structure in the core of University Park);
- Increased Traffic and Congestion: 4800+ new cars a day by the developer’s own estimates (see link to TIA): gateway.aspx
- Adverse Impact to our residential neighborhood: Size, scale, height and character of proposed above-ground garage, with ingress/egress on Haynie, and deviates from the scale and character of Snider Plaza.
- Bad Precedent: providing greater zoning rights on what is the highest-density tract in the core of University Park and in a community already struggling with safety, traffic and over development opens the door for future development projects to also expect zoning exceptions.
Our goal is to achieve the best possible project with a scope that is in line with the scale and character of our residential neighborhood, while asking the City Council to thoughtfully set development guidelines for any new developments that will be considered in the future.
Now it is time for residents to explain what we would like to see, and as a community, what zoning changes are appropriate:
Building Height Limit (feet)
- Current Zoning: 60’ total height
- Strode Requested Zoning Change: 99.5’ + 6.5’ = 106’ total height
- Appropriate Changes: 60’ + 10' penthouse = 70' total height
Development Size (sq ft)
- Current Zoning: 112,500 sf (with purchase of alley)
- Strode Requested Zoning Change: 127,880 sf + 4900 sf of outdoor restaurants
- Appropriate Changes: Respect the current limit of 112,500 sf
Construction on Surface Parking Lot
- Current Zoning: All above grade structures prohibited
- Strode Requested Zoning Change: 3-story, 36-40’ lighted parking structure
- Appropriate Changes:
- Option A: Create a green space/park
- Options B: Allow a 2-story commercial building of 36’
Entrance/Exit Points
- Current Zoning: N/A
- Strode Requested Zoning Change: Entrance/exits closer to Dickens than Hillcrest/Exits on Haynie, pushing traffic to residential streets
- Appropriate Changes: Move Daniels entrance/exits closer to Hillcrest than Dickens; No entrance/exits to Haynie
As a community, we also ask the City Council to consider using a portion of the City’s $15,000,000 fund to help create a park and green space on the surface parking lot. We can think of no better use of these community funds than to create more park space in the core of the city.
If you agree with these responses to the requested zoning changes please sign this petition. In order for your position to be counted, please include your UP street address in the Comments section and sign the petition by midnight September 5th, in order to be counted for the next public hearing scheduled on September 6 at City Hall @ 5pm CDT.
We welcome your comments and questions: SniderPlazaNeighbors@gmail.com. In addition, please feel free to contact Patrick Baugh, Community Development Director for the City of University Park, at 214-987-5423 with any questions for the City.
Thank you for your support and for making your voice heard.
UP Residents Committed to a Neighborhood-Friendly Development