Rescue the Shelter - Montgomery City MO
The Montgomery City Animal Shelter has gone under-funded and under-staffed for far too long.
Due to the lack of a fully-operational shelter, animals found in Montgomery County are taken to a contracted kennel, where they are able to provide only 5 days to find a saving grace before being euthanized due to overpopulation. This kennel is not able to advertise the dogs brought to them for reunification or adoption. They need support - the MoCo shelter is the opportunity to provide that!
My personal mission is to organize the revitalization of this program and give our local county animals a second chance and a strong outlet to be adopted or networked with other rescues.
With YOUR help, we can make our voices heard and get the shelter back open - for our animals and for public adoptions. This will also ideally provide jobs, volunteer opportunities, and an outlet for more businesses to donate/support locally.
Please sign your name! Give your support and help us show just how important this cause is to animal lovers in Montgomery County.
Your signature will show the volume of individuals in Montgomery County that care; caring for the voiceless and vulnerable.