Reschedule Adult Swim Time at Lake Success Pool

Lake Success Park Commission has recently implemented "Adult Swim" time at the local town pool at our kids' expense as they are prohibited from being in the pool during this time!
This was done without prior communication to any of the pool members, and have left families with children who use the pool without an opportunity to voice our concern.
As most of us know, pool hours are already shortened this year, and as such, working families have already lost pool time and, more importantly, valuable FAMILY time. We should NOT be further disadvantaged simply because adults now demand that they have their own private time in a public pool especially when we are all paying the same membership fees!
Let's band together and ask the Park Commission to reconsider and reschedule Adult Swim at a time that is mutually beneficial for adults with and without children. For example, Adult Swim time can be done on a rotating schedule between the morning and afternoon sessions to allow for all pool members to have as much pool time as possible instead of taking time away from the kids every night starting at 5:30 pm (especially on Tuesday and Thursday nights when the pool hours are extended).
Working families with children are the backbone of the Lake Success community! It's time we band together and voice our concerns about the additional reduction of pool time allowed with our children!