Require the use of the new damage deck in Xwing the Miniatures Game

Fantasy Flight Games, publisher of the Xwing Miniatures Game, recently announced that players would be allowed to use either damage deck, the one from the original core set or the one from the new Force Awakens core set, in official Organized Play events.
Many feel this is, in fact, a step backwards. As the game progressed from the original release, new abilities and upgrades were completely unaffected by the original damage deck, and certain lists were affected more by critical damage than others. The new damage deck addressed this issue and provides a deck that is more equally punishing to any ship or list.
Fantasy Flight Games initially announced that the new damage deck would be required for official play as of January 1, 2016, plenty of time for any competitive player to acquire the new core set. Unfortunately this decision was reversed in a recent announcement, and Fantasy Flight will allow players to choose either damage deck for official play.
The old damage deck is antiquated, and no longer fulfills a balanced role in the competitive atmosphere of the Xwing Miniatures Game. We petition Fantasy Flight Games to REQUIRE the use of the NEW damage deck in all Organized Play events in order to provide a more balanced, and competitive experience for all players.