Require a Pediatric/OB/Psychiatric Rotation

It has become apparent that a complete Pediatrics/Obstetrics and Psychiatric rotation will not be included in the current ADN curriculum.
Because clinical placement is dependent on a “first come, first served” system, it is possible that the ADN student will never have the opportunity to experience the Pediatric/Obstetric and Psychiatric environment while enrolled.
The ADN students affirm this system of chance to be unacceptable. Regardless of the student’s post-licensure career aspiration, these rotations should be integrated into the clinical schedule for each ADN student.
The pediatric/obstetric population presents a vastly different set of needs than the adult population. Fully integrating an understanding of pediatric disease processes, child/parent psychology, and issues uniquely related to obstetrics requires exposure in these specific clinical settings.
Up to 16% of the general population are living with a personality disorder. Among those that already have a psychiatric diagnosis, this number increases to up to 50% that are living with a co-occurring personality disorder. Regardless of the ADN student’s post-licensure career aspiration, they will be working with patients with personality disorders and psychiatric diagnoses.
The clinical experience is invaluable to the nursing student. It is in clinical that we become comfortable with being hands on with the patient, gain insight into disease processes, understand the ebb and flow of a department/population group, and begin to develop our critical thinking skills.
We, the undersigned ADN students of Florida State College Jacksonville, call on the nursing department to make required at least one 8-week clinical rotation that includes the pediatric and obstetric population.
We call on the nursing department to make required at least one 8-week clinical rotation for the psychiatric/behavioral health population.