Request for the reinstatement of Sepedi @Tom Naude

To the honorable MEC of education,we are addressing this letter to you in relation to the racially oppressive and divisive decision that was taking to remove the teaching of Sepedi in HTS Tom Naudé.
Our new democratic dispensation asked for responsibility by all. Strangely the beneficiaries of apartheid have been the least responsible. We are deeply enraged by the racially divisive and oppressive decision the leadership or powers that be at HTS Tom Naudé have taken to remove Sepedi from their curriculum. This decision shows and proves the readiness of the schools leadership to abandon and divorce all ethical considerations and self respect from themselves.
Where do they get the audacity and arrogance to say they are going to cancel the teaching of an indigenous language,on indigenous land to indigenous people? It is very clear that the leadership of this school seeks to preserve and re-establish the ideology of apartheid through re-creating only white schools that will exclude black children on the basis of language. It would not be far fetched to think this people are engineering the revival of Bantu education! It is already bad enough that students in some institutions of higher learning are being massacred everyday so that Afrikaans(language of oppression) can prevail as the medium of instruction. We can no longer consciously remain quite when the ongoing project to fallaciously reintroduce apartheid through myopic mannerisms and mechanisms of removing an indigenous language and enforcing Afrikaans as a medium of instruction. They as a technical high school are saying the black child can never and must never emerge as an engineer. In our land you want to discontinue our own language and form of communication?
There should be no spurious attempts to circumvent the legitimate right of black children to quality education in their own language on their own land. We must deconstruct the notion that seeks to normalize black students being vomited by the system as normal.